About Our Technology

The FDA-cleared oculomotor and oculo-vestibular assessments that provide clinicians with actionable, objective data and backed by 15 years of clinical research. We record and analyze eye-tracking impairment associated with a mild TBI.

Our technology is designed to measure how well a brain orients to a predictable dynamic visual stimulus. Tracking eye positions as one follows a target moving predictably in a circle measures spatial and temporal orientation or synchronization of the eye with the target. What we see in concussion patients who have impaired dynamic orientation is that the eyes repeatedly jump ahead to where the target will be. These forward jumps are a sign of dis-inhibition, a well-known consequence of traumatic brain injury.

The dis-inhibition in controlling predictable eye tracking is likely a consequence of damage to cerebellar-frontal fiber projections to the prefrontal cortex from shearing forces as the brain undergoes rapid rotational acceleration/deceleration.

Falls, Motor Vehicle Accidents and Sport Injuries are the leading causes of TBI.

We specialize in testing patients who suffer from auto accidents and injuries. Our main focus is to help attorneys and medical providers better understand if their patient or client suffered from a concussion due to underlying symptoms related to a mild-TBI.

We have board certified doctors who specialize in this field and assist in providing objective data for patients who are presented with concussive symptoms.

We are focused on both diagnostic testing and therapy. The testing center will satisfy the number one question, “Did my patient suffer from a concussion?”.


“I wasn't even aware that I had an injury. Measure TBI discoverd that my situation was more serious than I thought.”


“Unmatched customer service and understanding of traumatic brain injuries.”


“Recommended hands down. If you've been in an accident, you need this.”
